Base: 8" X 8"
Body: 10" tall X 4" X 5"
Shadowbox created with recycled materials (cardboard, calendar pages, beads, driftwood, leaves, and costume jewelry)
16" tall X 9" wide
Hand built ceramic vase. The base is high fire clay which was bisque fired and then painted with acrylics. The lid was sculpted out of wire and air-dried clay, then painted with acrylics.
Coilology 1: Full View - Snake
Coilology 2: Full view - Salamander
Coilology 3: Full view - Salamander and Swan
Coilology 4
Coilology 5
Pen and Ink on slip cast form
Pen & Ink on slip cast form. The white ceramic form was found at a going-out-of-business sale at a plant nursery near Santa Ynez, California. After gessoing the form, I used pen and ink to draw the patterns. The patterns on the back side of the hand were inspired by a beautful, old cork tree on 12th and M in Eureka, California, which was killed and removed in 2019. My own palm was used as a model for the design of the palm of Workhand.
Workhand 1: Palm View
Workhand 2: Palm view
Workhand 3
Workhand 4
Workhand 5: Back of hand
Workhand 6: Back of hand
Workhand 7
Workhand 8